Vaccination Schedules and information
Our vaccination schedules will help you understand your pet's vaccinations and what you should see in their vaccination records. We appreciate it can be a bit confusing for owners to know what each vaccine is for or what the stickers mean so we hope these guides will help you to know what the vaccines cover, how often they should be given and to help you read and understand your pet's records without having to ask the vet.
Dog Suitability including neutering and unspayed females information
Our dog suitability guide is our criteria that a new dog needs to meet in order to be introduced successfully into our social group of dogs and to enjoy doggy daycare and boarding with us. Here, you will also find information on a female dog's season cycle and help in understanding when they can and cannot come into us for boarding/daycare and also a guide on why we need all male dogs to be neutered over the age of 18 months.
Information for new customers and online booking guide
Our client welcome pack is full of information about us, what we do and what to expect. It should answer absolutely any question you might have.
Our online booking guide will help walk you through registering online with us and making booking requests using our booking software system, Revelation Pets.
Nutrition information
This is a basic guide about dog nutrition which briefly covers links between food and diet and behavioural or health issues you might come across with your dog. We find the All About Dog Food website really useful in understanding how good the food is that we are feeding our dogs and a great guide for anyone who may be looking at changing their dogs diet and not knowing where to start.